Warranty Policy

  • Manufacturer's defect only
  • With complete packaging and accessories for JBL items

For troubleshooting and warranty claims of products, kindly contact our customer care:
Rapha’s Gear Customer Support Facilities:
Rapha’s Gear Hotline # +
63 (2) 8810 8503
Rapha’s Gear Email: info@raphasgear.com

Warranty and Repairs

  • Rapha’s Gear products will honor the corresponding warranty coverage (unless stated otherwise)
  • Free items and bundled items are not covered by 

What if the product I bought isn’t working?

Kindly contact our customer care first for assessment, then if it is still not working, visit our nearest physical store and have it replaced. Warranty type will solely be based on the discretion of Rapha’s Gear Store depending on the type of unit and based on Rapha’s Gear Warranty Guidelines.

Check our warranty claims policy for more info.